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Wallet recharge

How to pay for the subscription?
You can pay the package fees by charging your balance in the wallet, after which you complete the payment.
Home page > Control panel bar > Wallet > Wallet recharge icon at the top left of the page > Choose the appropriate shipping method either by card or bank transfer > Click on the Send icon. (If choosing to pay by card: Bank fees will be paid that differ according to the bank, and charging the wallet will be automatic. In the event of choosing bank transfer: No bank fees will be required, and a receipt must be attached indicating the date and time in detail, and the last 3 or 4 digits of the account number sender with name, recipient account number and name - the transfer will be suspended until it is confirmed and approved within 12 hours by the relevant department)
Home page > Dashboard bar > Subscription > Payment from the wallet in green, if the amount available for payment in the wallet is sufficient, and if the amount is insufficient, click on the orange recharge wallet icon. In the event that you encounter any problem, do not worry about it and contact us by submitting a ticket on the official website of the electronic stores, and we will help you solve it.